The kit contains two test specimens: one with synthetic GSR particles and one with synthetic particles for automated particle analyses using SEM/EDX. This Synthetic Particle Specimen (SPS) has been specifically designed for the adjustment and validation of analytical SEM/EDX systems used for automated analysis of Gunshot Residue (GSR) samples. It is especially useful for quick system validation checks and quality assurance procedures.
This Synthetic Particle Specimen (SPS) has been specifically designed for the adjustment and validation of analytical SEM/EDX systems used for automated analysis of Gunshot Residue (GSR) samples. It is especially useful for quick system validation checks and quality assurance procedures.
Using a special process, Pb/Sb/Ba particles are precipitated onto the surface of an 8 x 8mm glassy carbon chip which has previously been applied with a 10µm polyimide layer. The particles are randomly distributed but at known locations. There are four distinct particle sizes of approximately 0.5, 0.8, 1.2 and 2.4µm in diameter. In addition, three particles (approx 10µm, 15µm and 20µm) are provided in order to facilitate simple data cross-checking of performed automated particle analysis. Finally the sample is carbon coated in order to avoid or minimise charging effects and sample damage.
It is recommended that the BSE signal is used for imaging the particles as this gives a high contrast differential between the Pb/Sb/Ba particles and the substrate. There is a 100 x 100µm Pb/Sb/Ba control pad on the chip that can be used to adjust the BSE signal to the required level. A primary electron beam current not exceeding 2nA is recommended in order to avoid possible damage to the specimen.
Each specimen is individually checked and the correct number of Pb/Sb/Ba particles is certified.
Test specimen for checking and validating automated particle analysis using SEM/EDX systems
This test specimen has 10 lines of particles with different sizes with 20 particles spaced equally per line. With the known particle sizes and positions this test specimen can be used to test and validate SEM/EDX systems used for automated particle analysis applications.
Short test sample description:
This test specimen is particularly useful for calibration of fields/SEM stage, particle measurements/classification, EDX analysis and to correct to overlap, gaps and rotation of the fields. It is also useful for aligning the scan rotation with the X/Y movements of the SEM stage.