Examine and explore, in detail, various hardware blocks, software diagnostic options and electrical schematics of your system. Some classroom units are included.
The onsite Equipment Training compromises of the following core units, additional units can be added as required based on the hardware platform. Core units
• System H&S
• System health checks and benchmarking tool performance
• Software- Using service mode to isolate and diagnose faulty components, writing recipes to automate system health checks
• Introduction to Vacuum
• Log viewer for identifying system health trends
• Using Team viewer for remote assistance
• Location of the main hardware components
• X20 Cand the diagnostic viewer
• EN13849 (Machinery Standard Safety Circuit)
• RF Matching and the Automatic Matching Unit (AMU)
• Basic maintenance procedures
• Fault identification and example diagnosis
• Handling configuration including wafer placement
• Optional candidate assessment included (multi-choice question sheet)
You'll learn:
To provide new and existing users with the knowledge required to undertake basic maintenance and fault diagnosis maximising system uptime and increasing self-sufficiency. To assist news users to rapidly come up to speed on the correct use of the tool software, minimising the risk to the equipment.