Epoxy resins for the preparation and sectioning of specimens for TEM. 100 resin replaces Epon 812 resin, now unobtainable. The formulation of 100 resin is the same as Epon, but is less viscous than many samples of Epon 812 and is more closely controlled in its manufacture. Epoxide equivalent between 148 and 150. Choose the kit that you require from the dropdown menu.
100 Premix Kit - Hard (51-1625-1948)
100 Premix Kit - Medium (51-1625-1938)
Download the MSDs sheets here:
Dodecenylsuccinic Anhydride MSDS
Polymerisation time - 12 hours at 60°C. Polymerisation - A longer curing time will generally give harder blocks as will higher temperatures. Conversely, shorter times and lower temperatures will give softer blocks.
Methods of use - The procedure is very simple. Each kit contains 5 sets of 2 components, plus 5 ampoules of accelerator. One component is in a bottle of 100ml capacity and the other is a bottle of 50ml capacity. Simply add the contents of the smaller bottle to those of the larger bottle, add the contents of one of the ampoules of accelerator, mix thoroughly, and approximately 100g of resin is ready for use.
No additional containers are required, and any unused resin can be stored in a refrigerator for a few
days, or allowed to gel in the bottle and then discarded. Note: If unused mixed resin is stored at a reduced temperature before use, the resin must be allowed to reach ambient temperature before opening and use.
Storage - It is not necessary to refrigerate the components. Both the resin and hardener have long shelf lives. The accelerator should be used within six months.